Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dogs and Their Feelings

I have been thinking about a discussion I had a week ago...

I am taking some classes at ASU because apparently I am a sadist.

Actually, the real reason is to finish a bachelor's degree I was close to finishing before I transferred to a school in New York and graduated from there. So, in order to be able to call myself a Sun Devil Alumna, I must complete this task.

Anyway, I am sitting in a 200-level English course (which I am taking as the last part of completing an English Literature minor) and we begin the course discussing a novel that we had read on the treatment of animals.

Anyone who has met me--EVER--knows that I am animal lover. My dog is like my kid for gosh sakes.

So this kid starts spouting off at the mouth about how dogs don't have feelings and can't communicate.


I am unable to restrain myself from expressing my opinion of him. Although I do so in a little bit more decorous way, he gets my point. We begin a verbal sparring match. Which he lost.

I told Ozzie about this. He was most displeased. And saddened.

I would call these feelings, wouldn't you?

Note to idiotic college boy: my dog and I will both be in class tomorrow. You can look him in the eye and tell him he doesn't have feelings.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Panic Attack

I have not posted for a few days because my hard drive died. These words should inspire as much terror in your heart as, say, the abominable snowman.

I was at Paradise Bakery, minding my own business, and working on a paper. All of a sudden, the computer stops working. I am mildly annoyed, so I try restarting it. Instead of the pleasant sound of my computer starting up I am greeted with the blue screen of death and a flashing question mark. It is as if the computer is yelling "WTF???" at me.

I hastily gather up all of my belongings and make a bee line for the Apple store at Arrowhead. After waiting my turn for the technician, he unceremoniously removes my hard drive and plugs it in to some device. He then pauses, looks at me, and says "I regret to inform you that your hard drive is no longer with us."


The long and short of it is that I now have to go buy a new hard drive. I have no idea what to do. The hard drives are kept in the forbidden isle of Best Buy where all of the stuff I don't understand how to use is housed. The man from the Apple store had given me fairly specific instructions on what to buy, along with some rudimentary instructions on how to replace the hard drive.

I am definitely doubting my capabilities at this point. But I am going to attempt it anyway. Low and behold, I am able to get the new hard drive installed.

One of the most stressful days EVER.