Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cell Phones in the Loo

This has happened to me so many times, it can't be only myself that's experiencing the unimaginable. The bathroom is a place of quiet solitude. Having only been in the women's restroom, I can't attest to the atmosphere in the men's. However, the women's bathroom is fairly mute, interrupted only by the idle chatter that happens amongst women: "Oh hi! How are you?" or "Hi! Cute top! Where did you get that?"

That is, until the following happens:


Never mind that someone has brought their cell phone into the bathroom. For women, this might be easy to do if one brings their purse with them into the bathroom. But here's the appalling thing. Women are bringing just their cell phones into the bathroom. As someone addicted to her own Blackberry, I understand the need to get every text message and IM. But I draw the line at TAKING IT INTO THE BATHROOM.

I overheard a woman have an entire conversation revolving around her daughter's attendance with the front office at her child's school while she was using the restroom. During this conversation the attendance office no doubt heard the flushing of various toilets and the washing of hands. How does one explain this to the person on the other line? I imagine the conversation goes something like this:

Background noise: "FLUSH"

Attendance Office Worker: "What was that noise?"

Woman in Bathroom: Oh, nothing. Now about my daughter...she'll be out today"


Ladies, please leave your cell phones at your desk when you use the loo. No-one needs to hear the background noise. No-one.

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