Ah....it's funny that a little bit of sleep makes all the difference! We are finally getting on somewhat of a normal sleep schedule. Allison and Laura--1, Jet Lag--0.
Here are some more pictures from yesterday. We arrived in Bristol via train yesterday afternoon. What a cool city this is! And this is in no way influenced by the fact that they have some of the best shopping EVER. Not at all.
This is a photo of something that looks very much like a castle, but is actually a church. In fact, it was pretty severely damaged during the bombing raids of the second World War. There are a lot of these types of structures all around here in Bristol and then you have the very modern shopping and hotels. It's kind of a cool combination.
Also, per the photo here, one must apparently schedule when one wants to use the loo. All other times are not permitted, per the Department of Health and Environmental Services. However, nappy changing is always permitted.
Today we are heading over to Bath, which is the site of the ancient Roman Baths. Then we will have lunch at the Jane Austen Tea Room. She apparently took tea there and one of her books, Persuasion, was set in Bath. Then we are heading over to Stonehenge to take a look at the big rocks. There will definitely be some cool photos from today! Cheerio!
I love that you made it a point to take a picture of the Castle Park Toilet rules and regulations! HA!